Today I will be walking you through how to create a custom drop down menu in WordPress. We will be using the WordPress menu system to control the structure of the menu and then applying our own custom styles to the WordPress theme.
The menu I will be explaining is fully responsive and works with touch devices, so there is a little bit of jQuery code needed to make sure everything is cross browser compatible.

How to sum up a mood, a movement and the music in a single image is the challenge graphic designers are faced with the world over. Capturing the personality of a band on a blank canvas can be terrifying, but the usual lack of brief can provide fantastic creative freedom. Designers will be left to use their own style and devices.

Branding is one of the most important things any start-up must think about. After all, it is the way you tell customers who you are and what your company does. Building a good brand takes some thought, but once you’ve thought it out, things like ads and the design of your site can almost create themselves.
For designers who want to create a start-up, finding the right advice on the flooded internet can be overwhelming. We have come up with advice to help get your design start-up off the ground!

Designers are creative, visual people who make the everyday world a more interesting, inspiring place to be, so it’s odd that so many have to work in boring office environments. Luckily, multitudes of office supplies that seem to be made specifically for designers are popping up everywhere. If you are a designer, below are 25 office supplies that you will have a hard time living without.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a website template called RedBox. The template is theme based on a web agency but could be used for any type of business. The way the template is designed allows it to be developed responsively. You will also be able to download the Photoshop file at the end of the tutorial.